Allied Health
Here at Warner Family Medical Practice we also have allied health professionals who assist our patients with specific conditions, so you know that you can receive the best care under the same roof.
Warner Family Medical Practice provides psychology, dietetic, and podiatry services. Speak with your doctor to find out if you would benefit from any of these services.
Our Psychologist
Here at Warner Family Medical Practice, Maria Buglar is our local psychologist.
Psychology intervention is designed to focus on prevention, address health disparities, aim to reduce psychological distress, and enhance and promote psychological wellbeing in all populations. Speak to your general practitioner if you think you could benefit from this service.
Our Dietitian
The role of our dietitian is to collect organise and assess data relating to your health and nutritional status. You can use this service, with or without metabolic disorder.
The dietitian aims to provide you with an evidence-based education by communicating information, advice and professional opinion.
Going to see a dietitian is really all about getting assistance with the management of centred nutrition. They can assist you by planning appropriate food choices and menus, educating you on your individual nutritional needs and ways of accessing and preparing food. To start planning, implementing and evaluating nutrition programs, please speak with your doctor about booking an appointment with the dietitian.
Wedge Resection (Ingrown Toenail)
Ingrown toenails are painful and uncomfortable. The nail grows into the skin, causing inflammation and or infection. A wedge resection is a procedure where a section of ingrown nail is removed, altering the nail bed and preventing any nail regrowth in that section. Your nail will grow out narrower than it did before.